Saturday, February 15, 2014

More Obamacare insurers in Louisiana reject AIDS patients - Yahoo News

"The insurers told healthcare advocates that guidance issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the lead Obamacare agency, prevented them from accepting third-party payments for the new health plans, even when the funds came from a government program."

Friday, February 14, 2014

Ninth Circuit Strikes Down CA Law Restricting Concealed Carry

"In a 2-1 decision issued on February 13th, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled "San Diego County violates the Constitution's Second Amendment by requiring residents to show 'good cause'" before being allowed "to obtain a concealed carry permit.""

Friday, January 17, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

WV MetroNews – AG: Audit all state agencies

"“If a state agency knows that they could be subject to scrutiny, maybe every two, maybe every three years, you’re less likely to see some of the disastrous practices that occurred,"

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Republican caucus unveils 2014 Legislative priorities - Business, Government Legal News from throughout WV

"According to Tim Armstead, House Republican leader, "we believe West Virginia is looking for a new beginning, a new birth of freedom," he said."

Executive Order: 'Excessively High Temperatures' 'Already' Harming Public Health | CNS News

""Excessively high temperatures" are "already" harming public health nationwide, Pres. Obama declared on Nov. 1, 2013, two months before today's assault by record low temperatures.

In his executive order on climate change, Obama warned that too much rain - and not enough rain - also dictated that executive action against climate fluctuations:"

Where state government has fallen short - Business, Government Legal News from throughout WV

"West Virginia needs an improved tax policy that encourages new industry to locate within its boundaries. It needs a regulatory and administrative structure that encourages responsible industries to choose West Virginia over competing states. It needs a legal and regulatory system that is viewed as business friendly, while at the same time being responsible stewards of the environment. It needs a public health system that effectively addresses drugs in the home and work place"